We help people going through a career transition or unhappy with the career they have to find jobs, build businesses, and create the wealth they need so they can have joy, peace and live abundantly, helping themselves and others to passionately live the life they truly want.
We do this through a specialized series of workshops, access to coach's and mentors and advisors as well as advice from specialists and ongong programs designed to help you master your life!
We bring you a growing list of specialists in Career Management, Career Transition, Business Development, Business Building, Life Management & Empowerment and of course, Wealth Development and Building, you can now access the best way possible to:
Find a Job and Career You love
Build a Business & an Income You Love & Can't Ever be Fired From
Build Sustainable Wealth that Leads to total Financial Freedom and Happiness
No matter how big your dreams are you have a perfect Blueprint to the life you need and want.
Beyond the Posdcasts - you can access workshops and mentorships to help you get the job, build the business and create the wealth you need today.
You can also access the coach's the advisors and the mentors who have been there and can hel you get what you need today, staring right now.
At LifeByDesign360, we know that you have the ability to do almost anything you want. You have the power to create an extraordinary life of purpose and passion to help yourself, your family, those you come in contact with and the entire world. Your potential is limited only by your imagination and desire to succeed.
Our podcasts bring together the insights as well as knowledge from thought leaders, experts, and inspiring individuals from various fields to share their insights, experiences, and practical advice on personal growth, career success, business success, wealth development, relationships, and more.
Your access to LifeByDesign360-Insider Academy provides everything you need to re-invent your life to an amazing new place of unlimited opportunity
Sign up for our podcasts now.
We'll share everything we know to help you transform your life ASAP

If you've been fired, outsourced from a big corporate giant, been through an outplacement, or let go from a job you may not have been well suited for anyway, we can help you find the career, build the business and create the wealth you want for unlimited freedom, success and opportunity.
If you're stuck in a job that you hate and you want to build a business which can lead to unlimited financial success and freedom, we can help you build a bridge to the life you truly desire.
I've helped thousands of people who have gone through a career transition, especially an unwanted career transition due to a corporate reorganization or layoff to reinvent their financial life and get on the best track possible for retirement and success.
Now we've put together the career coaches, business coaches, financial advisors and life mentors to help you to get through the challenges you face now and to build the type of life that you've always wanted and dreamed of.
My Story and my “Why”
I have been an investment advisor and financial advisor for more than 30 years.
In 2006 an executive from an outplacement firm with a worldwide presence, Lee Hecht Harrison, asked me to help people just like yourself that we're going through an unwanted career transition to remaster their lives based on a series of workshops that we put together to help them through this difficult time.
For the next 12 years I spoke to thousands of people that went through my workshop at that big outplacement firm in their Kansas City office.
These were people going through the exact same thing that you're probably going through right now.
The Dirty Truth
During the class, everyone that attended was confident, successful and appeared to have a calm outlook on their future.
However, when I got together with many of them privately they expressed to me their concerns about their current situation and their fears of being laid off from the big corporate giant that they had worked for for 10, 20, 30 years and even more.
The Dirty Truth is:
They we're scared
They felt betrayed
They were angry
They were confused
They didn't know what to tell thier family
They were in fear of not having income
They feared financial catostrophy
They felt lost.
During that time, one person who went through the class called me a few months later from Texas.
He wanted help!
His contract with the big outplacement company ended.
Since I was in Kansas and licensed in Kansas and Missouri, it was against regulations for me to help him at the time.
Even so, I helped him as much as I could.
But I was limited to what I could do for him at that time
More about that later...
Financial Blueprint to a Brilliant Future
My job was to help the clients of the big outplacement company craft a solution to their current financial situation, establish a blueprint for where they were now and to create a direct path to financial freedom and even the retirement success that they really wanted.
I met with workshop attendees.
I was able to help them make sense of what just happened.
In private meeting with the workshop attendee's....
They told me their fears.
They told me their concerns.
They told me about how they really felt.
They also shared their vison of success.
Their vision of the future they wanted.
We set out to help them achive their dreams - and many of them have!
I was able to show them how to accomplish their mission.
I was able to help them build a path to an amazing future.
I helped them see how being let go, could be a pathway to financial freedom and a better life.
Working together, we were able to come up with brilliant plans for their future.
Ultimately, I helped them establish true and lasting financial peace!
Those same people will now tell you:
They are confident about their future.
They are excited about their financial freedom.
They are on the right track.
They know they have a trusting partner
They know someone is looking out for them.
They know they have an answer to their questions
They are happy
They have financial peace
They are enjoying thier retirement.
They own Total Financial Freedom and Happiness!
In 2018 I told the big outplacement company that I would soon be leaving and moving to Puerto Rico.
Soon after that the big outplacement company and I parted ways.
Even so, I continued to work with the people I met that became my clients through that workshop.
I work with them to this very day!
A Silly Question and a Reply that Changed Everything...
In June of 2024 I decided to ask one of these clients that had come to me through this workshop a silly question:
“What was the best thing that you got out of that outplacement company?”
The person I asked unhesitatingly replied, you!
Flattered and humbled, I replied, "Thank you and why is that?"
They first admitted that I had helped them for many, many years with their complex financial needs which they appreciated deeply. I was always there for them...
Then they said all of the services that they received from the big outplacement company ended after a certain period of time with no ability to continue.
Further, if they missed anything, their opportunity to receive any more coaching was over.
Not happening - ever again!
If they wanted any type of career coaching, they didn't know where to go.
If they wanted any type of business coaching they didn't know where to go.
If they wanted any type of life coaching, they didn't know where to go.
They further admitted that I helped them with so much more than only financial and investment planning.
Introductions to:
insurance companies
estate planning firms
business coaches
life coaches
career coaches
and more...
Then I asked, what if we could provide an ongoing service to help them answer these questions and guide them on an ongoing basis with access to these specialized answers 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, would that be of interest?
Their answer was an emphatic yes!
Then, in January of 2024, I met my latest client....
Let go from GOOGLE
Missed the Outplacement Coaching Period of the outplacement firm, hired by Google.
Thought she had a new job secured.
At the last minute, the new company changed their mind - job not available.
She was introduced to me.
I told her about our newest program: LifeByDesign360
She immediatley got involved!
Oh, and the outplacement firm - it was the same one that brought me in for 12 years.
Here's How LifeByDesign360 Can Help You Get the Job You Want, Build the Business with an Income You Can't Ever Be Fired From, Build the Wealth You Need and Be Able to Retire with Complete Financial Peace on Your Terms.
Ulitmaltely - Make Your Life Better - Much Better!
If you want to move from a career and a job that you may not have liked anyway into a new career that you are passionate about we can help you.
We'll show you how to:
Access the Best Job Search Skills
Negotiate the Best Salary
Read Body Langauge like a CIA Secret Agent
Peel back the HR Departments Hiring Strategies
Secrets to Creating a Resume that Puts You on Top
Network Like a Superstar in and outside the Company
Master Your Financial Life during a Career Transition
... and that's just the beginning....
Access online workshops, coach's, strategies and the community
If you want to start a side hustle which can turn into an amazing business which can create an ongoing income stream that can help you to build wealth, we can help you.
We'll show you how to:
Building Massive Success in our Entrepeneur Series Workshops
How to Assess and Implement the right Legal Framework
Sole Proprietorship, Corporation, S-Corp, LLC, etc.
Build your Business in
Medical and Dental
Wine & Travel
Hiring Employee's
Hiring Contract Employee's (1099 Workers)
... And that's just the beginning ....
Access workshops, coach's, strategies and the community
If you want to know the financial strategies that you need to put into place based upon how you design your life in order to create the type of financial freedom and retirement that you've always dreamed of, we can help you.
We'll show you:
When to Hire an attorney if you've been laid off incorrectly, and when not to.
How to build a Sustainable Budget
How to Set up Your Retirement plans
401k's, IRA's, Roth IRA's, SEP's, etc.
How to Invest or work with your Severance Pay
How to manage Employee Benefits
How to Guard Your Life Against Financial Disasters
How to Create the Financial Roadmap to an Early Retirement
How to Reduce Taxes and keep Uncle Sam out of your Life
How to Invest for Success
How to set youself and family up for the Ultimate Financial Freedom that lasts Generations.
... And that's just the beginning ....
Access workshops, coach's, strategies and the community
Very simply, we created lifebydesign360.com to provide you with the workshops, the classes, the resources, the answers to your questions, the coaches, the advisors, the mentors and so much more in order to help you to create the kind of life that you've always dreamed of.
Each week you'll be able to access new podcasts which help you to answer the questions that you have about going through:
a career transition
getting a new job
setting yourself up for a bulletproof career
create a business that you love
create ongoing sustainable wealth
Retire and own financial freedom on your terms
You will have a deeper much better access to:
Career courses,
Business and entrepeneur workshops,
The coaches,
The advisors
The mentors
The help you need to fast track your life to:
a better career
the business you love
the financial success you want in order to retire on your terms
You'll be a part of a growing community of people just like yourself.
Access coaches and advisors to help you design the type of life you truly want
Get feedback from people that are going through exactly what you're going through now
Access specialists you need to make informed, intelligent decisions about the best path forward in regards to the life that you truly want.
If you've been searching for someone to help you to master your life, to master your career, to master a business that you love and to help you to master building wealth so you can truly live life on your terms then you need to be a part of our community.
Back to the guy in Texas.
When I spoke to him, he was scared.
I could hear his voice tremble and crack.
He had an opportunity also, a new job in Texas, like my newest client.
But it didn't work out.
His coaching with the big outsourcing company was over.
Time ran out.
He was burning though his cash
He sounded desperate
I gave him general advice, but I couldn't help him like he needed.
Later, I found out that as a coach, unlike a registered advisor, I could help him change his world.
I never want to have another story like that.
I prefer the stories of the thousands we were able to help.
I want to make sure you have every opportunity possible to thrive.
To live the best life possible.
Every day - for as long as you want - no end date!
We won't ever give up on you.
We'll be here for you - as long as you want to keep us!
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If you have an idea for a podcast, video or want help with your account we want to help you. If you want more help with getting the right job, starting a new business, planning for your financial future or life coaching in general and want to access the perfect workshop, mentor, coach or specialist, get in touch with us at LifeByDesign30 LifeByDesign360-InsiderAcademy.com
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